6 January 2011

Bursary South African Breweries (SAB) 2012

Scholarship Student Internship Bursary Financial Aid Study Loan College Fund

SAB Ltd is the South African beverage arm of SABMiller plc, with our corporate headquarters based in Sandton, Gauteng. We have 7 production
operations across South Africa and distribute 15 beer and fruit flavoured alcoholic beverage brands to liquor retailers via a national network of depots, independent beer distributors and BEE empowerment franchise distributors.

SAB is committed to contributing to South Africa’s national skills development agenda. One of the ways in which this is demonstrated is by awarding academic bursaries to talented and deserving South African students. Bursary focus areas change from year to year and are impacted by the South African skills market and the SAB business need.

In addition to financial support, our bursars are also afforded the opportunity to learn more about the world of work by participating in the resolution of real business challenges, through structured summer school or vacation work.

SAB expects it’s bursars to maintain high academic standards and exemplary behavioural conduct during their years of study. After the successful completion of their degrees, our bursars join the company full time as graduate trainees.

SAB bursaries are currently available to students who show the potential to become value adding corporate citizens.
Bursary applications for the 2012 academic year open 1 June 2011 and close 31 August 2011. The bursaries are limited to students who are currently pursuing or wish to pursue undergraduate qualifications in the following areas, to apply click on the relevant link below:

[please visit SAB website for links, see end of article for website address]
  • Marketing
  • Sales 
  • Chemical Engineering 
  • Electrical Engineering (Heavy/Light Current) 
  • Electronics Engineering 
  • Mechanical/ Mechatronics Engineering 
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Logistics

Bursary Requirements:
Undergraduate students

  • South African citizenship
  • Financial need 
  • Academic performance 
  • Study area

Matric students

  • South African citizenship
  • Financial need 
  • Matric performance 
  • Study area

Acceptance or provisional acceptance at a University (when available)

Go to the SAB Bursar website :

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