5 August 2011

10 Things You Must Know When Applying For A Bursary

10 Things You Must Know When Applying For A Bursary


Earn R400 - Participating in Group Discussions

Read these 10 must know guidelines when applying for a bursary, scholarship and student funding. You really want to  ensure that you get noticed among the dozens of other applicants. To get noticed means that you must also have a sound  understanding of what you are applying for.

What is a Bursary?
   •Bursary terms
   •Bursary eligibility
   •Bursary cover

What is a Scholarship?
   •Academic achievement
   •Excellent study record

What is a National Financial Aid?
   •Government funding body

What is a Student Loan?
   •Afford by major banks
   •Sign surety for a student

10 Tips when Applying for a Bursary
   •Look for companies
   •Check selection criteria

What Should I do - Accepted at a University but Have No Study Funds
   •Obtain full-list of available bursaries
   •See Bursary Register at your university
   •Earn R400 - Participating in Group Discussions

South African Bursary Applications
   •Bursaries in South Africa
   •Check what is available
   •Search for the Latest Bursaries on the Internet

Images: http://bizcovering.com ;

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