5 August 2011

What Is A Bursary - Terms, Eligibility, Criteria and Cover

What Is A Bursary - Terms, Eligibility, Criteria and Cover


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Read these 10 must know guidelines when applying for a bursary, scholarship and student funding. You really want to  ensure that you get noticed among the dozens of other applicants. To get noticed means that you must also have a sound  understanding of what you are applying for.

What is a Bursary?

A bursary is a financial support awarded to a student based on a combination of academic achievements and financial need to further his/her studies at a higher learning institution. The duration of a bursary varies between a year or may be granted for the entire period of study. Continuation of the bursary depends on your academic achievement. Some large organisations, companies, governmental and non governmental organisations usually fund bursaries for study in a particular field.

Bursary Terms

The terms of these bursaries vary tremendously depending mostly on the company/organization offering a bursary. Contract bursaries require you to "pay back" the bursary by working at the company once you've completed your studies and often they offer a bursar work experience and a job immediately after graduation. Many mining and engineering companies, in particular, provide contract bursaries.

Bursary Eligibility

To be eligible for any bursary you have to meet their election criteria which mostly are academic dependent and apply to all applicants. Most companies will not consider anything below 60% on the selected subjects which you need to pass, and some 50% it depends on the company/organization offering the bursary. Even though some will offer bursaries based on financial need they also consider your academic progress.

Other criteria which may apply for the bursary applicants are: Your citizenship and your acceptance into an appropriate study programme at a recognized higher education institution. Applicants also need to meet certain admission criteria of the institution and they must also meet the national election criteria for that bursary organization. Many South African companies offer bursaries to promising students.

Bursary Cover

Some bursaries will sometimes cover all recipients’ essential expenses. Expenses covered include tuition, full accommodation including meals, books and learning materials, and a small allowance for monthly living expenses. Universities have different cost structures, so the total value of a bursary differs from institution to institution.

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