27 March 2013

Student Internships To Gain Experience

Student Internships Help You To Gain Experience
Many seniors have just handed in their applications to spend the last six weeks of the school year interning at a local business. With the thought of these internships comes great excitement. After all, who doesn’t want to spend weeks away from the classes, homework, and numerous tests found within the walls of Ridgefield High School?

See the Internship Programs Listed on this website.

One of the best things about internships, in my opinion, is how my work experience will allow me to learn in a more nontraditional sense. A common complaint among high school students is that much of what we are learning is impractical. Yes, it sounds impressive to know all the amendments of the Constitution, but how will that serve me outside of my academic career?

Already, just in the application process, I have gained experience in interviewing and communicating with professionals, as well as learning to outline a proposal. Perhaps these are basic skills, but it’s nice to get some practice before heading out into the harsher world of college and employment.

But of course, I am most excited to actually begin my internship in mid-May. After four years in a classroom, it will be a nice change of pace to spend some time sampling a possible career interest and learning skills not found in a textbook. It will also serve as an excellent bridge to college — at a time when many students cannot stop thinking about their futures, it’s great to have an experience that may solidify a potential field of study.

And even if internships go awry, even if that seemingly great-sounding opportunity has turned out to be little more than getting coffee, there is the overriding idea that, hey, it’s better than school. And seniors aren’t the only ones feeling this. I once heard one of my teachers say about the program, “It’s perfect. They leave right around the time when you can’t stand them anymore.”

Study Funds Network, previously known as Scholarship for University, is a unique online database tool that provides information about internships, bursaries, scholarships and financial aid for university and college students. We are developing our online facilities with a specific user in mind, that being a bursary, scholarship, internship and financial aid seeker.

Other users which our blog-site focuses on, are learners at school, parents, university and college students and those looking at studying and improving their education and finding economic strategies and creative solutions to financial problems.

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Article Source: theRidgeFieldPress | Interning at a local business | Internship Applications | Student Internships

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